How to Keep Wrists Together to Promote a Good Golf Swing
Some golf teachers don’t aim heavily on the hands and wrists, but previous LPGA great Patty Berg believes “hand-wrist action constitutes the most significant factor in a golf swing.” Whether you aim on your wrists directly, or permit their movements to flow routinely from your general mechanics, the wrists must work simultaneously to encourage a sound sway.
Step 1
ascertain your grip. A powerful grip will hold your hands and wrists together, while a poor grab may induce a player to compensate by grasping the association too firmly, according to Tiger Woods. A player’s grab should be snug for the one-by-one, but in general golfers should contain the club in their fingers or the bases of their fingers rather than in their palms. issue your thumbs down the shaft and overlap the right pinkie between the first two fingers of the left hand (for a right-handed golfer).
Step 2
sustain your wrist place throughout the backswing. Tom Watson holds his left wrist somewhat cupped at address, so the back of his hand is raised somewhat, relation to his forearm. But if you cup your left wrist or hold it flat, Watson adds, it should stay in the identical position during your backswing and about 1 foot into your downswing.
Step 3
Take a full shoulder and hip turn in both the backswing and downswing. Your body’s rotation will help both your wrists cock routinely at the top of your backswing, then will routinely uncock your wrists former to influence. although, by shifting your heaviness ahead aggressively on the downswing, you can hold up uncocking your wrists and generate extra power, according to Gary contestant.
Step 4
Sustain a straight left wrist at the instant of influence. In a standard, neutral grab the back of your left hand reflectors the place of the club face. sway coach Hank Haney believes that by holding your wrist flat, relation to your forearm, the back of your left hand is more expected to be square to the goal, which ensures that your club face is furthermore square at impact.