Golf Swing Draw And Fade
Golf Swing Draw And Fade
To fade the ball, align your body to the left of the target with your club face pointing at the target. For your normal straight shots, your shoulders are parallel to the target line but for the fade they should be open (pointing to the left of target), to make sure when you swing on your shoulder line, your ball will start to the left of the target.
After starting left, your ball curves back to the target line due to an open club face at impact. This puts spin on your ball providing the curve on your ball flight. Remember that even though your club face is square to the target at the set-up position, it is open in relation to your swing line. Your finish-position should show the effect of quit hands and good body rotation through impact.
Note: A fade is a controlled small curve from left to right and lands the ball at the target. A slice is an uncontrolled big curve to the right and the ball lands far right of the target.
The Draw (the ball curves from right to left)
For the draw, everything is just the opposite of the fade. Aim your club face along the target line with your shoulders pointing right of the target, parallel to your intended ball flight line.
From this set up if you make your normal swing along your shoulder line, your club face will be slightly closed at impact causing a soft draw that curves from right to left back to the target. Your finish shows a fully released club head with it pointing left of the target.
Note: A draw is a controlled small curve from right to left and lands the ball at the target. A hook is an uncontrolled big curve to the left and the ball lands far left of the target.