How The Golfers Power Drive Works

"Golfers Power Drive" educates golfers to get the smaller body started into the golf swing with a stabilized back leg and foot. one time you have learned to stabilize the lower body on the backswing the power drive will then begin its work on the downswing. When finished correctly the "Golfers Power propel" standing plate produces an audible bang on the smaller front side plate. This auditory sound and kinetic feel supplies a multisensory educating aid that teaches the golfers muscle recollection and increases his or her skills. If finished incorrectly the golfer will discover an audible bang on the back edge telling them that they did not stabilize their back foot and leg rightly. Hearing the contradictory bang feedback on the back leg and foot notifies the golfer that their weight is out-of-doors their back base premier to numerous swing flaws. If a golfer does not hear the CLICK at all on the down sway then this will recognise that the golfer not ever utilised the proper fundamentals of the lower body in the golf sway. Golfers will not fix the golf sway from the peak. employed on the golf sway from the ground up is the only way to double-check that you are building the most effective and dependable sway. Stabilizing the legs and feet will endow the golf club to journey in the proper sequence and permit the weight to move to front edge. A true sway teaching aid with not anything adhered to the golfer….just your natural sway with auditory and kinetic feedback. A golfer will not deceive the GOLFERS POWER propel. start the smaller body with a stabilized back base, move to front edge and affirmative bang feedback is heard at the right time